

Merry Meet with Jonathon Ross

The BBC contacted me and asked if I would like to have a chat and conduct some Merlinesque style spelling with Jonathan Ross for his new TV series on Channel Four, 'Myths and Legends'. The interview  was held at one of my favourite caves, Merlin's Cave in Tintagel, Cornwall, and we chatted about Merlin and the alledged shape shifting spell he conducted for Uther Pendragon.  After a tad of spell crafting in my Cauldron we then communed with, and honoured the spirits of the Sea together.  Jonathon is mostly known for being a comedian, but where real magic is concerned he was genuinely interested and very respectful towards my beliefs, and he really enjoyed shaking my sea spirit shaker to our Blessed Blue Robed Goddess.  It was such a pleasure to meet him, check out his new series folks! 


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